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Lect. Dr. Haider Addam Hamza , Ministry of Education, Babylon Education Directorate, Iraq


The research dealt with the definition and includes the research background, the research problem, the research hypotheses, the research objectives, the research importance, the research limits, the research methodology, the research terms, the related studies, the first chapter dealt with the graphic design structure, design and experimentation, design and nature, the diversity of design sources, design and order, design between chaos and order, the second chapter included the factors affecting graphic design, and factors related to the content and subject of the design, and factors related to techniques, tools and performance skills, and factors related to the design function, and factors associated with the culture of the audience and the environment surrounding the design, and the third chapter dealt with this chapter analyzing the works of the most influential graphic artists, the artist Martin Grohs, the artist Mark Joseph Paje, and the artist Cyril Rolando, the fourth chapter dealt with the results, recommendations and references.


Aesthetics, design structure


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Lect. Dr. Haider Addam Hamza. (2024). THE AESTHETICS OF DESIGN CONSTRUCTION IN THE WORKS OF ARTISTS GRAPHICS. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(10), 18–35.