Ergasheva Fotima Erkinovna , JSPU Academic Lyceum, Mathematics teachers, Uzbekistan Egamberdiyeva Mohinur Fahriddin qizi , JSPU Academic Lyceum, Mathematics teachers, UzbekistanAbstract
The effective teaching of short multiplication formulas, which play a crucial role in algebra, requires innovative pedagogical methods. This paper explores how different teaching strategies impact students' understanding and retention of these algebraic identities. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of student performance with qualitative feedback from both students and teachers. Results suggest that interactive methods, such as problem-based learning and visual aids, significantly enhance comprehension. These findings have important implications for improving the quality of algebra education in secondary and tertiary settings.
Short multiplication formulas, pedagogical methods, problem-based learning
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ergasheva Fotima Erkinovna, Egamberdiyeva Mohinur Fahriddin qizi
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